Month: September 2021

What Is English Enrichment?What Is English Enrichment?

Do you want your child to improve their English language skills?

English enrichment programmes are designed to help students improve their reading, writing, and speaking skills. Class formats are more versatile compared to traditional classes. 

Instructors use different approaches to ensure that students make the most of the programme. While the end result is also focused on the child becoming better in English, the experience is much more relaxed. 

An enrichment programme centre in Singapore, for instance, may use the self-learning approach instead of the spoon-fed style. Students become the masters of their learning experience. 

Instead of merely listening to the instructors as they explain concepts, students get to work on their assignments on their own. They get to study at their own pace and try to complete challenging worksheets. They develop self-learning skills and a sense of responsibility.

But, of course, the specific steps in a programme vary depending on the subject and the students. 

Bringing out a child’s potential

Usually, when you enroll your child in an English Enrichment programme, the centre doesn’t focus on age alone. Worksheets and activities are instead based on a child’s skills. Students may be of the same age but that doesn’t mean they receive the exact set of homework. 

This is beneficial as it ensures that children receive the support they need. They’re not rushed in the sense that they don’t have to ‘keep up with the rest of the class. They progress within their abilities, which later on improves, as they proceed with the programme. 

Before starting the English Enrichment class or programme in Singapore, instructors may ask to meet you and your child. They assess your child and also provide orientation for parents or guardians. 

The goal is to make the entire experience as simple as possible. Fun is an important part of each programme and students are guided so they’ll grow a love for learning English. 

Common features of English Enrichment programmes

Here are a few of the common features of English Enrichment programmes:

  • Word association. Young children are taught basic words and their meanings. Repetition is used to help students become familiar with these new words, phrases, or sentences. Instructors ask students to recite words, which they also show in written form. The use of images or actual objects helps make the session more interesting for the naturally curious students. 
  • Reading and writing. Again, the worksheets vary depending on the student’s skill level. To start, instructors may ask students to trace and copy letters. They may also read aloud words and sentences to show students the proper pronunciation.
  • Silent reading. For older students who already know how to read, instructors may include silent reading activities in their programme. They may also be asked to compose short sentences on their own. The sentences or reading materials may become more complex as the students move further into the programme.
  • Summarisation. As students become better readers, they may also be asked to summarise passages or stories. They may also analyse and comment on reading materials.

At the end of the English Enrichment programme, students become more confident and independent as learners. You might not have to be beside them anymore while they answer their worksheets. 

Overall, you’ll see that English Enrichment centres in Singapore use different strategies, so choose what you feel works best for you and your child. 

How Second Harvest Food Bank Ensures The Foods To Be Served During The Holidays Are Safe?How Second Harvest Food Bank Ensures The Foods To Be Served During The Holidays Are Safe?

As the holidays are fast approaching, the people from Second Harvest is also getting busy preparing large meals to be enjoyed by those who are less fortunate. And if you’re preparing large quantities of food, then chances are your food will be contaminated with bacteria which can harm the tummies of anyone who will eat it.

So if you’re one of the Second Harvest volunteers who are about to cook food this Christmas or simply looking for tips on how to prepare food safely during the holiday seasons, then you’ve come to the right place.

Read more as we’ll try to know more about how Second Harvest Food Bank ensures the foods to be served during the holidays are safe in today’s post.

Here we go

1. Meats Should Be Thawed Before Cooking

Based on standard cooking and preparation practices, frozen meats & poultry should be thawed safely first in the microwave, refrigerator, a cool water bath and never at the kitchen countertop. If the meat or chicken is thawed inside the fridge, make sure to cover it in a dish to prevent meat juices from leaking into other food items and compromising their quality in the process.

On the other hand, make sure to change the water from the basin every thirty minutes if you’re going to thaw the meat using the cool water method to decrease the growth and spread of harmful bacteria on the meat’s surface.

2. Maintain Cleanliness At All Times

Anyone who is involved with the meal preparation inside the Second Harvest Food Bank facility should practice washing their hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds or more. And this should be after coughing, sneezing, or going to the restroom to avoid contaminating food with germs.

Likewise, the meat, fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables should be washed carefully under running water.

Also, make sure the kitchen surfaces are clean at all times by washing drawer pulls, countertops, and kitchen tools using hot soapy water.

3. Be Mindful Of The Food And Cooking Temperatures

Check the time as soon as the food is removed from the stove or the fridge. Some rules of thumb you need to remember are as follows:

  • Never allow food to sit out at room temperature for more than 2 hours as harmful bacteria will grow which can cause food-borne illnesses.
  • Hot foods should be kept hot while cold foods should be kept cold.
  • Use a food thermometer to check the food temperature.
  • Keep the food away from the temperature between 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit as this range is considered as the ‘Danger Zone’ where bacteria will already grow and thrive.

4. Recycle Leftovers

Finally leftovers at the Second Harvest Food Bank facilities are placed in air-tight containers and then stored in the fridge so they can be eaten again in a couple of days. Generally, leftover food should be consumed within 2 to 5 days as is and can be cooked or recycled again to be added as ingredients for a new dish (es).